Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kindergarten Policies

                                                                 September 2015
Dear Kindergarten Families,

This memo is intended to help you understand some kindergarten policies and procedures.

Arrival and Dismissal
§  Students will be picked up by their teachers at 8:35 in the auditorium.
§  School starts promptly at 8:40.
§  Breakfast is served daily starting at 8:00 in the cafeteria.
§  School ends at 3:00.  Kindergarten classes will be dismissed along the gate on 4th avenue.

Absences and Early Dismissal
§  Attendance is extremely important.  If your child is absent, please call the school office and leave a message regarding your child’s absence.  The phone number is (718) 965-4200.
§  If your child is absent, please send a doctor’s note in your child’s folder when they return.
§  If your child must leave school early for an appointment, please send a note telling us what time your child will be leaving.  This will help us have homework ready for your child without disrupting the class.

Homework Folder
§  Homework will be assigned daily.
§  Please check to make sure your child completes their homework and brings it to school every day.
§  Please remove all homework after it has been checked from the homework folder.
§  Please check the homework folder daily for notices from the school and sign and return if applicable.
§  Reading each night is part of the students’ homework assignment.  Please fill out the reading log each night and make sure it remains inside of their folder.

Field Trips
§  Please sign and return trip slips as soon as possible.  Please put the slip and money in a sealed envelope in your child’s homework folder.  Write your child’s name and classroom number on the envelope.
§  Volunteers are needed to chaperone field trips.  For each trip, we will let you know how many chaperones are needed.  On some field trips, we must limit the number of chaperones.
§  For trips in which we will not be back for lunch, the school will provide lunch for your child to bring.  Unless there is a student allergy in the class, this lunch will be either peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or cheese sandwiches.  We do not know ahead of time which option will be provided, so if you child does not eat these choices, please make sure to send them to school with a lunch on trip days.

§  If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday in school, please contact your child’s teacher to make arrangements.
§  If you do choose to do so, the birthday will be celebrated during last period, at 2:40.
§  If you are bringing in food, please make sure it is in individual servings, such as a cupcake or cookie (no cakes or items that need to be cut).
§  If you are giving out goody bags to students, please make sure there is no food or candy in the goody bag.

Thank you for your cooperation and support, we look forward to a great school year!


The Kindergarten Team