Thursday, May 5, 2016

May Math Workshop

May Math Workshop

In the month of May, Kindergarten teachers and students will start Module 5 of the Engage NY Math Curriculum. Students have worked intensively within 10 and have often counted to 30. This sets the stage for Module 5, where students clarify the meaning of the 10 ones and some ones within a teen number and extend that understanding to count to 100. They see two distinct sets which are then counted the Say Ten way: ten 1, ten 2, ten 3, ten 4, ten 5, ten 6, ten 7, ten 8, ten 9, 2 tens. Students hear the separation of the 10 ones and some ones as they count, solidifying their understanding as they also return to regular counting: eleven, twelve, thirteen, …, etc. Then, , through the use of the Hide Zero cards (pictured below) and number bonds,  students represent the whole number numerically while continuing to separate the count of 10 ones from the count of the remaining ones with drawings and materials.

Here are some terms, phrases, and strategies used in the Module:

  • Count 10 objects within counts of 10 to 20 objects, and describe as 10 ones and ___ ones
  • Count straws the Say Ten way to 20; make a pile for each ten
  • Model with objects and represent numbers 10 to 20 with place value or Hide Zero cards
  • Model and write numbers 10 to 20 as number bonds
  • Draw teen numbers from abstract to pictorial
Here are some new vocabulary words that will be introduced during this unit:
  • 10 and __
  • 10 ones and some ones
  • Hide Zero cards 
  • Regular counting by ones from 11 to 20 (eleven, twelve, thirteen, etc.)
  • Regular counting by tens to 100 (e.g., ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred)
  • Teen number 

Ten and ____ 


How you can help at home:
  • Practice counting on from a number (e.g. counting from 3-10, 7-20, 21-30, etc)
  • Ask students to identify a set of 10 and how many extra there are (e.g. Show a group of 12 toys, and see if they are able to separate 10 and identify that there are 2 extra)
  • Continue making up number stories within 10 for addition and subtraction problems! It is equally important for students to be able to identify what each part of the story means! (e.g. I have 9 cookies -3 are chocolate chip and 6 are vanilla. What does the 3 in my story mean? [that you have 3 chocolate chip cookies] What does the 6 in my story mean? [that you have 6 vanilla cookies] What does the 9 in my story mean? [that you have 9 cookies all together]).