Thursday, May 5, 2016

May Reader's Workshop

Unit 9: Character

The purpose of this unit is to focus on comprehension.  It is important for the children to understand that reading is more than just word solving. Reading is also about enjoying books, rereading favorite stories, thinking about the characters in them and reacting to things that characters do or say.

The goals for this unit are:

  • Children will identify who the characters are in their stories
  •    Children will begin to make inferences about their characters by using the pictures.  
  • Students will make predictions about their characters and 
  • Students will make connections from the book they are reading to their own lives and to other books.

What you can do at home to help your kindergarten reader:

·   After your child finishes a book, you can ask them who is the main character? 
·   Ask your reader where they noticed the character having a strong feeling (sad, excited, angry) and talk about why the character felt that way.
·   Ask your child how the characters in the books are the same or different from other characters in other books.

·   When they are reading, have them try to sound like and act like the characters in their books.