Thursday, September 17, 2015

September Writer's Workshop

Welcome to our Writer’s Workshop!

     In this first unit of Writer’s Workshop the children will understand many types of writing. The children will be creating lists, signs and stories.  They will learn to recognize and talk about signs that they see around the neighborhood. They will then draw and make up their own signs to display around their rooms.  As well as writing lists, signs and stories the students will learn the routines of the writer’s workshop, which are very important for our workshop to succeed.

Here are some tips that you can do
  1.  Hang signs in your home. Label the door, clock, window etc.
  2.  Go for a walk with your child. Have your child recognize the environmental print in the neighborhood.
  3. Have your child make a grocery list with you when you go shopping! Be creative and have fun! 
Remember that at this point,
drawing pictures is a very valid and
important way for students to write
and communicate ideas. 

So, if you are "writing a list"
together, it might look like a list of
pictures, labeled with the first letter.